Changes and Predictors of Unmet Supportive Care Needs in Taiwanese Women With...

Changes and Predictors of Unmet Supportive Care Needs in Taiwanese Women With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer


The prevalence of drinking behaviors among particular ethnic groups of women such as aborigines is not only a women’s health issue but also a public health concern. It is critical for researchers and health-care providers to devote more attention to the association of cultural norms and societal styles related to the high prevalence of alcohol consumption among ethnic women. In addition to social, cultural, economic, and environmental impacts on women’s health, negative behavioral factors significantly affect women’s disease types and morbidity. Smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity are known health-risk factors that result in poor health status and outcomes. Acknowledging and understanding the frequency of these negative health behaviors among women may help health-care professionals and policymakers develop specific interventions to improve women’s health-care needs. The typical non-immigrant adult sexual exploitation contains both Taiwanese offenders and Taiwanese victims. It is also noteworthy that all of the domestic victims are subjected to sexual exploitation, not labor exploitation.

  • In Taiwan, some traffickers would provide fraudulent employment offers to recruit women abroad.
  • Promoting mental health and reducing psychologic disorders is a critical focus worldwide.
  • Smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity are known health-risk factors that result in poor health status and outcomes.
  • However, the issue of sexual exploitation is complicated since sex trafficking in its modern form is not like what Burke described as “a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion” .

As a leading democracy and a technological powerhouse, Taiwan is a key U.S. partner in the Indo-Pacific. Though the United States does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, we have a robust unofficial relationship. The United States and Taiwan share similar values, deep commercial and economic links, and strong people-to-people ties, which form the bedrock of our friendship and serve as the impetus for expanding U.S. engagement with Taiwan. Drawing upon decades of experience, RAND provides research services, systematic analysis, and innovative thinking to a global clientele that includes government agencies, foundations, and private-sector firms. Before the women victim left her hometown and came to Taipei, she was told by a friend that she was offered a chance to begin a career as model. Once she arrived in Taipei, she was forced to sign a contract with the so-called model agent. After that, she was forced into sex work with threats of high penalties for contract violation.

However, some researchers criticize the traditional image of trafficked women as involuntary, helpless and vulnerable and who are forced into sex work by their traffickers, as not speaking for all women sex workers. For example, Chen’s study on Chinese migrant sex workers in Taiwan concluded that these women did not consider themselves to be exploited victims . McCabe, on the other hand, include those who are initially voluntary but are later placed in unacceptable and undesired working conditions as sexual exploitation victims . McCabe also stresses that the situation of victims who initially consented to the work might be even harsher than those who are forced or deceived into sex work. These victims are usually reluctant to report the crime and when they report, they are usually perceived as unworthy of legal assistance.

Within the seven cases identified, four cases involve call stations which broker sex services by transporting the women to hotels or motels. One case (#32) involved forcing women to sign contract involving disproportionately high penalties which will draw them into vulnerable situation. Only one case (#23) involved trafficking Taiwanese women to Australia for sexual exploitation. The results show that adult sexual exploitation forms the largest share (40.5%) of this sample, followed by adult labor exploitation (27%) and child and youth exploitation (27%). Only one case involves both sexual and labor exploitation where an adult woman was trafficked. More than half of the cases (56.8%) involve adult foreign victims; and 43.2% involve domestic victims . In recent years, partly as a reaction to a rapid decline in fertility, the Taiwan government has made further attempts to facilitate work-family compatibility, such as providing partial pay for up to six months when women take childcare leave .

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Our understanding of HT in Taiwan will not be sufficient without considering both domestic and foreign victims along with the current victim identification under the HTPA. In addition, the forms of women trafficking and the characteristics of victims and traffickers must be investigated under the unique gender, labor, and migration policies and practices of Taiwan. However, this problem turned more visible when a new disadvantaged group became the target of exploitation and slavery, namely migrant workers since the 1990s to the present day. From 2005 to 2009, Taiwan was listed as Tier 2 in the Trafficking in Persons Report published by the U.S.

The status of non-citizenship will keep them from serious criminal justice system attention because of lack of political power such as the rights to vote, causing the trafficking to remain underground . In order to raise the awareness of HT, we need to address the economic and social factors that give rise to HT globally and locally. This study was conducted through a small number of cases obtained from the Judicial Yuan Law and Regulations Retrieving System.

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Furthermore, immigrant women in Taiwan often struggle with language barriers, communication difficulties, social isolation, and unequal relationships in their transnational marriage, which may also include a problematic relationship with their mother-inlaw. Consequently, an immigrant woman in a transnational marriage in Taiwan might be more likely to experience domestic violence compared to native Taiwanese women. Women who experience physical and sexual abuse often suffer from subsequent serious health issues such as physical injuries, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, and depression.

In addition, minors and illegal immigrants are especially vulnerable to the consequences of sexual exploitation. More sexual exploitation than labor exploitation is reported to authorities in Taiwan. Subsequently, sex trafficking is more often prosecuted than labor trafficking.

Parents’ gender biases are likely to continue to affect their support for sons and daughters to enter customarily male or female fields of study, which in turn perpetuates gender inequality at work. The fact that employer-employee relations tended to be personal and informal in many small Taiwanese firms also helped facilitate such negotiations. In addition, the large proportion of small enterprises, along with the concentration on labor-intensive industries, compressed Taiwan’s wage structure, and created less advancement opportunities and long-term job security for workers. Under this system, Taiwanese employers have been unable to demand much overtime work or other personal sacrifices from their employees, which has driven mothers of young children to remain in the workplace as well. To retain women upon childbearing, however, Taiwanese employers had to accommodate their needs. Thus, even before the government implemented laws and policies to facilitate work-family compatibility for married women and mothers, informal negotiations to accommodate their family obligations became more common. To decrease the burden and negative outcomes of depression in Taiwan, early and effective treatment is available.

The current emphasis on women’s health and gender egalitarianism in Taiwan means that urban women are joining sport and health clubs in pursuit of self-development. The aim in this study was to develop and analyze the motivations, constraints, and methods of lifestyle adjustment in regard to urban women’s use of sport and health clubs in Taiwan. Participants were 373 women from 5 cities in Taiwan and tests were conducted using structural equation modeling.

In a qualitative study of Ethiopian domestic workers in Yemen, De Regt describes labor exploitation as commonplace among contract domestic workers for several reasons . First of all, the only legal way to work as a contract domestic worker was to live with the employers which limited Ethiopian women’s mobility and thus contributing to their vulnerability to slavery. Secondly, if a woman chose to work illegally as a freelancer, she was more likely to work under exploitative or even abusive conditions, being denied the right to negotiate salary and workload. Lacking access to legal job offers, Ethiopian women usually became trafficking victims because of the money borrowed from recruitment agents turning into debt bondage .

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